Archive for the ‘Rose Tattoo’ Category

Podcast 101 : Happy New Year 2010 with Chris Bailey from The Saints : Interview part 2 !!

Vendredi, janvier 8th, 2010
icon for podpress  Standard Podcast [32:35m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

In this first podcast of 2010, the interview with Chris Bailey from The Saints Part 2 with still more rock and roll and some lovely noises. We keep talking about Chris’ music, life and projects for the new year with a few recordings ready to be released eventually under his own new label who knows ?

The Saints with Chris Bailey, Peter Wilkinson and Caspar Wijnberg in 2005 in France near Lyon at the festival Oulala

I started with a surprising and nice version from Nights in Venice proposed in one of Chris’ last albums “Bone Box”, then I played two melancholic songs “Bridges” (written in Berlin in 89 after the fall of the wall) and “Photograph” (from one of his solo albums “Encore” in 1995) which were in harmony with my current sadness after having learnt my friend Mick Cocks’ (Rose Tattoo) death the last days of December; the day of Mick’s funerals December 30th, another great and talentuous Australian musician passed away due to the same sickness (a bad liver cancer) : Rowland S Howard (The Young Charlatans with Jeffrey Wegener) The Boys Next Door, The Birthday Party, (with Nick Cave and Mick Harvey), These Immortal Souls (with Genevieve McGuckin, his partner in the life too) and a lot of other bands : it was pretty hard to want and sound happy, I’m sorry, I stayed true…and I will try to do something special for them later; now it’s too hard for me.
But don’t worry, I used some energetic Saints’ songs like “Je Fuckin’ T’aime” (Imperious Delirium 2006) “Erotic Neurotic” (Live at Paddingtown Hall in 77), and our mutual Swedish friend Lars Wallin’s performance on the didgeridoo to keep the spirits high; I finished with “Just Like Fire Would” : a beautiful melody with dark lyrics though…
A luck Chris’ talk was as funny as usual and I’m sure you will appreciate his Irish humor one more time !! : I wish you an Happy New Year with still more Love, Friendship and good Rock and Roll !

Chris’ Godess cat on his computer : Try to send her some e-mails…:)

By The Way : if you live in Australia, don’t forget Ed Kuepper’s next tour with The Laughing Clowns from Januray 21th to 26th in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney, sharing the bill with Warren Ellis and his Dirty Three!!

Mick Cocks (Rose Tattoo, Heaven, Doomfoxx) : one of my favorite Aussie rockers has gone…

Mercredi, décembre 23rd, 2009

Mick was very sick for months and the death brought him away, yesterday December 22th…hard hard news for his family, friends and fans and me !
Our first meeting in Lyon France for an interview during The Tatts’ European tour in April 2007 will stay one of my best memories : From the first second, everything was so easy, spontaneous, funny like between very long time friends…a strange and rare feeling I will never forget…

Here some nice pics from Mick playing with Doomfoxx in 2006 in Germany; I took so many pics from Mick with Rose Tattoo myself, I couldn’t choose among them today…I’m too sad…A little later, I will try to build something special for him, Mick : one of my favorite Aussie rockers and I don’t have a lot of favorites…but believe it or not I know he is still around, closer than we can imagine, free, laughing and joking, asking us to keep the nose high…:) and to say MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL !!

Mick Cocks signing autographs before the show with Rose Tattoo in Hamburg Germany 2007 (pic : thank to Eli_Ann)

#84 Rose Tattoo in European tour 2008 : Live Interview with Angry Anderson at Paris

Vendredi, juillet 11th, 2008
icon for podpress  Standard Podcast [33:30m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

icon for podpress  Rose Tattoo at Paris June 30th 2008: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Angry Anderson is my guest in this podcast as I was his guest at The Tatts’ show at Paris June 30th…he wrote to me he was happy to do an interview with me and I was happy to see Rose Tattoo Live again after one year…In fact we had a pretty strange conversation : Was Angry sharing with me a short moment of doubts or did he really announce a break in his musical carreer ? I tried other subjects like his last trip to China, his friendship with the French band Trust, the internet and the music but I was perturbed it’s clear. A few hours later, Angry was superbe of presence on stage like he really gave his last show in France ! The audience answered very enthusiastic, like a triumph at the first song what’s rare in our country.
The best for you is to listen to the podcast I illustrated with some excerpts from the Tatts’ last album Blood Brothers; I chose to finish with a symbolic song : “We can’t be beaten” !!

The Tatts Live at Paris June 30th.

BTW : In the categories of this blog you will find all the reviews and podcasts I published about Rose Tattoo for more than one year ! Enjoy !

Meltingpod Connections :
Thanks Andreas who linked this podcast to his German fans website’s homepage devoted in part to Rose Tattoo but you could also find there news from Doomfoxx, Nashville Pussy and AC/DC (coverbands and fans).
Thanks you Herko for your link on The Rose Tattoo’s official website with fresh news from the band after Paris and more…

Rose Tattoo in European tour and The Angels reunited with Doc Neeson starting their Australian tour TODAY !!!

Jeudi, juillet 3rd, 2008

Great Live performance at Paris June 30th from ROSE TATTOO IN EUROPEAN TOUR !! The venue was not big but the audience was very hot !

Thanks Angry for the interview and Clarcky (the sound engineer) for my first lesson at the desk !!
Don’t miss their last shows in Germany, Holland, Netherlands, Portugal to finish in Spain July 12th !!
More pics with the Tatts at Paris and Angry’s interview coming soon but chronologically I will start by publishing the interview I recorded with Buzz Bidstrup last May just after Doc Neeson about THE ANGELS REUNITED and more…
The Angels are starting their AUSTRALIAN TOUR TODAY until August 2sd…together again after 27 years …check their NEW WEBSITE !!
with a nice video here to share this pleasure with you oversea !!

Watch how they look all great…ah ! Doc, Buzz you look so happy…I’m so happy with you even…from Marseille !!!

6/02/08 Meltingpics Retrospective 2007 : The Lords of the New Church in England, Rose Tattoo in Germany, GANGgajang and the Rock and Roll Heaven in Australia !!

Mercredi, février 6th, 2008

I got a lot of pictures from my listeners in 2007 and I promised to choose some of them to publish on Meltingpod : so you could appreciate the work of some of these great passionated rock photographers :
Sandra Smith a French woman who made the trip to London October 31th to see one of her favorite bands : The Lords of the New Church with :
Dave Tregunna at the bass, Adam Becvare at the guitar and vocals,
Brian James at the guitar and Toby Vishram on the drums

Then Helene Keller (Helik) a German woman who took such beautiful pics from Rose Tattoo at Postdam (near Berlin) July 27th :
Geordie Leach and Angry Anderson, Paul De Marco, Mick Cocks

At least Errol Laggner an Australian man who had the privilege to be at the big rock event scheduled December 15th at Wollongong in Australia “Rock and Roll Heaven” with a lot of the greatest Aussie rock bands like Rose Tattoo, the Angelsband, The Screaming Jets, Choirboys, GANGgajang, The Radiators, Party Boys playing together raising money to build the Dunn & Lewis Memorial Youth Centre; Errol sent me many many pics but I haven’t a pics gallery on this blog and I just chose GANGgajang a band I interviewed without having recent live pics to illustrate my last podcast with :
Geoff Stapleton, Mark Callaghan, Robert James, Chris Bailey and…Buzz Bidstrup ! + a part of this great line-up at the Rock and Roll Heaven with :

Geoff Stapleton, Robert James, Rick Brewster, (John’s son, Tom Brewster who replaced Buzz on the drums with the Angelsband : Buzz played with GANGgajang and the Party Boys on that show), Kevin Borich, John Brewster, Daï Pritchard, Dave Gleeson, Angry Anderson and Buzz !!
A great emotion watching that pic and thinking I did interviews with almost all these musicians the last three years thank to Buzz…:)
So thank you again Sandra, Helene and Errol and thank to you all who sent me your pics or comments the whole last year and actively participated to the Meltingpod’s life !!

01/11/07 The Meltingirls world connection around the Aussie rockers : The Angels band, the Bon Scott Celebration Concert CD’ Launch, Rose Tattoo’s last tours…on stage, backstage !!

Jeudi, novembre 1st, 2007

What would ROCK AND ROLL be without THE GIRLS ???!!! Every rockers I interviewed for the Woman Show (what’s the best part being a rocker?) told me first the music on stage is their life and they couldn’t imagine doing anything else, but it’s rare if two minutes later (maybe one ??) they didn’t mention THE GIRLS !! Yes, Girls can be exciting groupies, faithful fans and friends but photographers and reporters too, often very talentuous (some of them even are podcasters now !!). So today I chose to publish with their agreement the work from some of them who shared with me their emotion in front of the stage or backstage during these last days or months (click to enlarge the pictures)…Enjoy !! It’s just a beginning because…

John Brewster, Buzz Bidstrup, Rick Brewster from The Angels band at the Bon Scott Celebration Concert CD’s launch at Perth Western Australia October 19th 2007 (photos from Clair)

Angry Anderson, Daï Pritchard, Mick Cocks, Paul DeMarco from Rose Tattoo at Postdam Germany August 2007. Bravo and thanks Helene for these SUPERBE photos, ones of the best I ever saw from the Tatts !! (more Helene’s pics on Rose Tattoo’s website’s gallery)

Darrel The Angels band’s tour manager who came to Marseille last January) and Clair at the BSCC CD’s launch; Brenda with Mick and Daï at Brisbane Queensland (Tatts’ last show after their Australian tour with Motörhead) October 20th (Brenda : “as Nathan from “The Driving Conditions” took the picture of myself with Mick and Dai, Mick said ” hi Annie !!”cool ! hi Mick…:)

Now do you want to live the Bon Scott Celebration Concert CD’s launch at Perth with Clair ?? here a detailled report she sent me…not a classic review but just a message quickly written to share her first emotion after the show. She accepted to share it with you : I hope you will appreciate her walk that night !
From: partywithclair Date: 22 Oct 2007, 09:48 PM
“What a night!!! Just thought I would let you know how it went for me.
We got into the show about 1 hour or so after it opened. Missed the first band Hells Bells which I would have really liked to have seen. But it was impossible to get there any earlier. Then, on came the Party Boys… (more…)

22/10/07 A Meltingweekend with the Bon Scott Celebration Concert’ CD’s launch at Perth, Rose Tattoo Australian tour’s last show at Brisbane and…Godard at Marseille !!

Lundi, octobre 22nd, 2007

pics from Clair at Perth (Dave Evans and Randell Waller; Rick and John Brewster; The Party Boys with Kevin Borich, John Brewster, Buzz Bidstrup and Alan Lancaster; Clair and Buzz) Grant at Brisbane (Angry Anderson and Paul DeMarco; Mick Cocks) and some Godard’s fans on the internet (Jean-Luc Godard portrait; pics from his movies : Pierrot le Fou and le Mépris).

My friends, Clair who had the luck to go to the Bon Scott Celebration Concert’s Cd’s launch at Perth October 19th and Grant who was enough lucky on his side to see Rose Tattoo at the Hard Rock Cafe at Brisbane October 20th, shared instantly with me the pics from their show (Thanks Clair to offer me this cool pic with Buzz !! toooo cute !!)…
What could I do on my side at Marseille Sunday 21th to forget the frustration ?…to answer positively to a friend of mine FamFinale de la Matière who proposed to me to go to the theater La Minoterie (my second home a few years ago I was very happy to see again) and watch…a rarity from Jean-Luc Godard my favorite French films maker !! a giant movie 5 hours long !!! which is modestly called : History (ies) of the Cinema !!!
What a fun to share with around 100 hards fans this incredible kaleidoscope : a true artistic and political manifesto…very Frenchy but hey ! Godard’s world is a part of my own selective memory : Wenders, Fellini, Bunuel, Cassavettes, Picasso, Gauguin, Baudelaire, Oscar Wilde, Leo Ferré…we were literaly bombed during 5 hours with somptuous pictures and brilliant words…not sure that someone will find the courage to adapt this movie in English one day but it will be interesting to share this treasure with the world too.
Back home I had this idea to show you in this quick Meltingpics my own kaleidoscope of the week end, from Australia to Marseille !! Enjoy !
Grant sent me also a spontaneous review from his show with the Tatts :… (more…)

#72 Hot Summer for Meltingpod from Rose Tattoo with the Harley Days at Hamburg to the Saints/Aints with Erotic Neurotic !!

Mercredi, octobre 17th, 2007
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To listen to the podcast about the Harley Days 2007 at Hamburg (mp3 25′)
click on the icon Click on the link to download the file

    Mick Cocks; Angry Anderson and Mick Cocks at the Harley Days 2007

“When Mick Cocks meets Ed Kuepper” was the title you avoided at the last minute because I don’t want to fool you about the reality of such a meeting but I hope I will maybe be able to organize it one day…:) Anyway I reunited them in this podcast with the shortest interview ever recorded in the world (!!) with Mick Cocks Rose Tattoo’s guitarist at Hamburg and the both versions of Erotic Neurotic I played at the end : a live version with Ed Kuepper and the Aints (SLSQ- 93) and the studio version with the Original Saints (I’m Stranded-76). It was very heavy to edit this podcast after so long months of forced silence and a very bad moment in my life with too much questions in my head all the time…do I stop, do I continue, how…?
I chose to start at the beginning with the motorcycles in The Harley Days at Hamburg (July 14th) through the last live recording with the minidisc, the tests with the voice recorder (which has a bad quality as expected), then a noisy silence without computer (from August 31th until this week) where I tried to find some solutions with you maybe now : JOIN MELTINGWORLDS!!!
Update October 22th : the Meltingworlds’ happy donators can click now on the kangaroo !!! (right colum on this blog)…next stop ULURU !!!

Thomas and Sheree ICS (Tatts tour management) Armageddon-Music (Tatts label) and Wacken Open Air Festival managers, Tatts video team at work, Punk rockers in Suzuki doing provocation at the Harley Days, Jase from Doomfoxx (Mick Cock’s ex-band) focused on the Tatts show (Stu Doomfoxx’s singer was beside me but too close to flash in his head : too bad he was ecstatic watching at Mick !!), Greg Clarke the Tatts noise head at the soundcheck !!

Meltingpod Connections
Update October 19 th : I forgot to give you the link to the Tatts Channel.
I recommand you the end of the chapter 5 (from the 6th minute !!) where you can agree with me watching Mick on the video (explaining the genius Angus Young) : he is born to do interview !! (click on the pic for the video)

And I forgot for months to give you the links to the super interviews my friend Michael Butler from the Rock and Roll Geek Show recorded in April 2005 with PETE WELLS who found Rose Tattoo and in June 2005 (three parts) with DOC NEESON The Angels’ original singer ! Don’t miss them !

7/10/07 Meltingpod and the Aussie boys : a long love rock story now !!

Dimanche, octobre 7th, 2007 is a new website introducing all the Aussie hard rock bands who played the Bon Scott Celebration Concert in February 2007 : you could find there a lot of information about the bands, live photos, extracts of live videos (including the Angels band : Marseille and Am I ever gonna see your face again, Rose Tattoo : Man about town, The Party Boys with Dave Evans (AC/DC’s first singer) : Baby please don’t go and more…+ the possibility to order the CD from the concert which will be launched with a great rock show October 19th 2007 at Perth (The Metro) with the Angels band, the Party Boys including two AC/DC’s ex-members Dave Evans and Mark Evans, AC/DC tribute bands 21 Guns and Hell Bells ! Another show is scheduled October 21 th at Claremont with the Angels and 21 Guns.
Check them on too !

Sometimes I have the feeling I live myself in Australia (a lot of people think that too !!) and I ask myself if Meltingpod is not becoming an Australian rock podcast !!! I know there are many months I only spoke about them, I try to resist to the attraction but they are too charming…look how these Aussie rockers are elegant and gallant to give me now the first place above such famous bands on their links page !!

What can I do ?… I will try to stay an authentic woman from Marseille giving news from my town but I think the direction is taken to integrate regurlarly the Australian rock news in my blog and podcasts with the help of so many Australian listeners and Meltingpod’s friends. I hope you will appreciate it. If not let me know.
So some news about the Angels band who always want to come to Marseille (you can click on the link to ask them in your town too) and a nice pic sent by Dave Evans himself at one of his last show in Texas !


Meltingpod Connections Update October 10th
Today I thought I need to live again in my town, not only through the internet most of the time in Australia and who is coming to Marseille tonight ?? Steve Tallis a musician from Perth Western Australia !!! He is playing at l’Intermédiaire (Place Jean Jaurès) around 10:30 pm; I “met” Steve one year ago on myspace and if he is here today it’s not a real coincidence as you can imagine…:) If you live in the town come to the show !!! Steve is fantastic !!And I spoke again about Australia…:)

04/10/07 Motörhead Rose Tattoo Airbourne’s Australian Tour’s first show !!

Jeudi, octobre 4th, 2007

Straight ahead last night from Brisbane-Queensland…
and Motörhead Rose Tattoo Airbourne’s Australian tour’s first show.
Update (10/5) to answer to Michael’s comment : It’s not me on the pic with Mick Cocks, it’s Brenda !! (she lives at Brisbane). Maybe this little story behind the pic sent by Brenda will help you to appreciate it better.
“As Rose Tattoo started to leave stage, I ran past security and yelled to Mick, “please can I have a photo it’s for Annie in Marseille” he stopped with a big big smile and posed a shot. Then later when Motorhead came out he came up to me from security area and waved so I went to him again and Airbourne guitarist took the shot of the two of us for you !”.

Brenda (on the pic’s left) sent me that pic with that text : “I told Mick the photo was for you so his smile is for you my love !!”
Aren’t they both nice ? aaah ! Aussie rock and roll hearts…I love you !!
pic taken by Airbourne : Thank you !!

Ryan on stage (pic from their website) with Airbourne a great, young and energetic Australian rock band !! Check it !

More pics are expected from the show soon I hope. BTW : Brenda manages with Ice Management and Productions a lot a great Australian rock bands + one from Belfast (Ireland) : Inch High. Check them too !!

Meltingpod Connections : Update October 7th…straight ahead from Newcastle NSW, Dave Williams very excited (thanks a lot !!) just sent us a review from Motörhead Rose Tattoo Airbourne’s Australian tour :
“Hi Annie,
Motorhead - Tatts - Airbourne gig in Newcastle NSW (06.10.07) was fantastic; A huge gathering of black T shirts - which doesn’t happen often up here; Airbourne continue to get the crowds vote with the energy & traditional rock banter by Mr O’Keefe (singer / guitarists) plenty of “hey hey hey” fists in the air stuff - I’d seen them 3 times previous, thought the sound was a bit messy - but who wants it “nice”?
Tatts came on…”(more in the comments below : have a look !!!)
Update October 12th : Thanks to Clair for this show review’s link at Melbourne by Nice pics in their gallery !

12/08/07 Meltingpod connected by the Australian rock bloggers’ community + The Guardian

Dimanche, août 12th, 2007

I’m always in late with that but I found today a cool link to Meltingpod in an Australian blog about rock : Thanks to Mark from Ausrock ! It’s a pleasure to be connected with the Australian rock bloggers community !! BTW : Check the superbe site Mark created for Heaven a band where Mick Cocks (Tatts’ guitarist) played between 82 and 84.

(click on the pic to enlarge and read the review)

I said in late because one day I was very proud to find a review about Meltingpod in The Guardian, the famous English newspaper but at the moment to re-post it here, I saw it was written 1 year ago !! The review said something like : Marseille rocker rebel Annie Viglielmo, the self-proclaimed “first lady of French podcasting”, at…yes , self proclaimed because I know I was the first woman to have started a podcast in France, easy…:) now I’m often the first one with my work…try to type “Rose Tattoo interview” (without linking the three words) on !!! Then the Guardian’s people ???…:)

19/07/07 My Bastille Day with Rose Tattoo at Hamburg-Germany during the Harley Days 2007

Jeudi, juillet 19th, 2007

(click on the pics to enlarge them !)

Hommage to my old companion and digital camera Nikon which died on stage with elegance at the last song “We can’t be beaten”…July 14th :
Rose Tattoo live at the Harley Days; Am Reeperbahn, my Nikon’s last pic, the place where my minidisc chose to die (the most luxuous ballroom of Hamburg !!) a few hours earlier the same day…a bloody Bastille Day !