#61 Bon Scott Celebration Concert backstages with the Party Boys (AC/DC, The Angels, Rose Tattoo, Status Quo…) and more !
To listen to the interviews on the audio file (mp3 : 20 minutes)
click on the icon
70’s pics : Mark Evans and Dave Evans (AC/DC era), Kevin Borich
Today is Meltingpod blog second anniversary and I invite you backstages at the Bon Scott Celebration Concert where musicians and fans met at Fremantle-Western Australia to celebrate three days long Bon Scott’s life and music. Buzz Bidstrup, the event’s organizer and The Angels ‘drummer, plays also in a band called the Party Boys.
I called Buzz the Saturday night just before the Party Boys’rehearsal and he introduced me to his friends around : Mark Evans (AC/DC’s bassist - Bon Scott’s era), Alan Lancaster (Status Quo’s former bassist) Dave Evans (AC/DC’s original singer) Kevin Borich and Mick Cocks (Rose Tattoo’s former guitarist)…a funny phone conversation ! The Sunday during the concert I called Clair singer in a girl band, the Sure-Fire Midnights (one the four young rock bands invited to share the stage), very excited just after their performance in the afternoon. Later in the night after 7 hours music with ten bands playing in front of over 10 000 people, I called Darrel, the Angels’ tour manager and we shared the last seconds of the music on stage…the Scottish bagpipes !!
Meltingpod Connections
Update March 3rd :
The concert area (SFM ph);the crowd in front of the stage (K.Borich ph)
Update March 5th :
Dave Evans (AC/DC’s original singer) gave me a great place in his myspace website and the connection is made with Scotland through Glenn Robertson’s website CRABSODYINBLUE dedicated to Bon Scott and AC/DC ! The Sure-Fire Midnights gave the podcast’s link in their myspace blog too.Thanks to you all !
Update March 7th :
It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll: Thanks to Glenn for the link to this (bad but hey !) video recorded at the end of the concert !