Archive for janvier, 2006

31/01/06 Forbidden fruit must be tasted

Mardi, janvier 31st, 2006

Lola Spinner from Paris under the Meltingpod spotlight today with two songs from their last album Shadow : “Forbidden fruit and Make it yourself”, and two very new songs (December 2005) : “Secret to a silence and Ground Zero”. A few days ago I met for the first time Dave Hawkes, their guitarist and a Meltingpod faithful listener : we have fun together walking trough Paris by night, hearing, speaking, drinkink, eating only rock and roll…it’s a drug ! there is an short interview with him for you in a bar.

Click on the icon to listen to the podcast
Click on the link to download the file


Connections : Meltingpod got a nice recognition from the professional circle with 1/4 of the page N°33 in iCreate February 2006, a specialized magazine for Mac and iPod users which offers that month a big review about everything with Podcasting !!
A interesting analysis of the world evolution from 1960 until 2003 produced by gapminder (thanks Loïc for this info) : “China wakes up…”

26/01/06 Oscar Wilde and me !

Jeudi, janvier 26th, 2006

I promised to myself, next stop to Paris, to go and visit Oscar Wilde in his grave at Pere Lachaise’s cimetery. A passion for this man grew after my interview with Chris Bailey from the Saints, last summer…I read almost everything from him like an obsession…this meeting in the graveyard was moving as you could hear in this short podcast…I chosen two texts to read there : his famous talk during his trial for homosexuality in 1895 “the loves that dares not speak its name” and a part of the poem “the Sphinx”…the giant sculpture on his tomb offered by a woman who loved him represented…a sphinx and it was covered with lipstick-kisses; a luck I had a nice red lipstick too that morning…I dedicate that show to Chris (thanks for the connection) and to Garfieldd (courage !).
Music : The Marquis of Queensberry and Edgar Alan Poe from Chris Bailey (Demons); Everybody loves you when you’re dead from Kitty Hudson (London).

Click on the icon to listen to the podcast
Click on the link to download the file


The French National Assembly’s deputy Frederic Dutoit is planning a meeting in Marseille February 9th at 6 p:m in his townhall (15ème/16ème) to work with the people involved by the DADVSI law’s project; he proposed to me to help him to invite artists, podcasters, internet surfers, labels (send a comment or e-mail if you want to come) and do the podcast of the meeting : obviously (with a thought to Oscar Wilde’s mother) I accepted !

22/01/06 Meltingpod in Paris !

Dimanche, janvier 22nd, 2006


Luc Saint-Elie, a French podcaster (pic above and left) waiting for my arrival in Paris at the railway station, exhibition “From Picasso to Basquiat” (museum Maillol) Luc Saint-Elie’s masterpiece for Meltingpod, Oscar Wilde’s grave covered with lipstick-kisses, Zampano in concert.

MELTINGTALKS proposes two great interviews recorded January 20th at la Madeleine with two French podcasters Loïc Le Meur and Luc Saint-Elie.

18/01/06 Dupain Live : Energy from South

Mercredi, janvier 18th, 2006

Dupain, a band from Marseille I recorded live January 14th during their concert at l’Escale in Aubagne , a little city near Marseille. They played two hours long for an enthusiastic audience. I hope you will enjoy that show in occitan, a local language from South of France. I told you, it won’t be only rock and roll but I like it…you’re on Meltingpod ! stay wild !
You could listen to Dupain’s interview on Meltingtalks (40 minutes in French about the band’s bio, DADVSI’s law’s project, majors, labels, copyrights and podcasting).

Click on the icon to listen to the podcast
Click on the link to download the file

      Dupain le 14/01/06 à l’Escale - Aubagne (ph. Annie Viglielmo)

9/01/06 Hopeless in the Woman Show !

Lundi, janvier 9th, 2006

The Black Halos, a rock band from Vancouver (Canada), alive after the US hurricane and a year tour : stay wild ! Billy Hopeless, the B.H.’s singer tests the WOMAN SHOW N°0 with a 40 minutes long interview and punk rock music from their last album “Alive without control” : Last call at the toothless saloon, Broken, Burning trash and Studio suffering. Don’t forget to watch their great video where the band is playing in a peep show for the girls’eyes’pleasure. The Black Halos are touring Europe in March/April 2006 : check the dates in your town at Teenage-head music’s website.

Click on the icon to listen to the podcast
Click on the link to download the file

Billy singing in the peep show and on stage (pics from the B.H.’s website; right below : Thomaxe !)

06/01/06 The French National Assembly rocks !

Vendredi, janvier 6th, 2006

Frédéric Dutoit deputy of the French National Assembly is on MELTINGTALKS (my second podcast devoted to interviews and debates) and answered to my questions during 40 minutes about the law’s project DADVSI. He called the podcasters and bloggers to be present in a big public democratic discussion about the way to protect the artists rights and the liberty on the internet. I’m sorry the interview only is in French !
Frédéric Dutoit répond à mes questions pendant 40 minutes sur la loi DADVSI; il est député de Marseille et responsable du groupe communiste qui travaillle à l’Assemblée Nationale sur l’examen du projet de loi sur les droits d’auteur; il a fait partie du groupe des 30 députés, tous partis politiques confondus qui ont voté juste avant Noël deux amendements remettant fondamentalement en cause l’esprit répressif du texte proposé et ouvrant le débat sur la rémunération des auteurs compositeurs en fonction du nouveau contexte mondial d’échanges interculturels que représente internet. L’interview est sur MELTINGTALKS mon deuxième podcast.

01/01/06 2006 will be hot or will be not !

Dimanche, janvier 1st, 2006

Meilleurs voeux pour 2000sex, Happy New Year, Frohes Neues Jahr with :
Naked - Lola Spinner (Paris)
It’s mine - Bebe Clandestine (Marseille)
Debauchery + I want you (The Troggs) - Street Walkin’ Cheetahs (L.A)
20 francs le Cunnilingus - David Lafore 5 Tetes (Marseille)
Porno Movie + Nothing is straight in my house - the Saints (Amsterdam)
Funny conversations recorded in 2005 : With Chris (the Saints) in Marseille, then from Australia with Buzz (the Angels) about Chris, at least with Shane Chisholm (Meltingpod listener) about… Chris, Buzz and Oscar Wilde !!
Be Hot or Not ! Thanks to the Pixies for the lovely noises at the end !

Click on the icon to listen to the podcast
Click on the link to download the file

sent by : Blinc-headquarters in Gottingen-Germany, Didier
from Montreal, me in the Alpes-France, Markus from Berlin.

Meltingpod Connections :
Sean Randolph, a Meltingpod listener and DJ’s for one of the oldest US college radio stations (first air in 1937) WMUC 88.1 FM based about 10 miles outside of Washington DC, will air the bulk of my Dec 15th podcast “French punk rock for Christmas” this tuesday night (January 3rd) between 9 PM & midnight. WMUC is online at
Meltingpod : Meilleur podcast de l’année 2005 ! Best podcast of the year !!! Where ? Here : “Annie Viglielmo nous a fait voyager en six mois tout autour de la scène rock mondiale ! Beaucoup de travail pour cette passionnée, une présentation très pro et un son parfait, l’esprit Web de ceux qui savent donner…” Nice ! one more time in English : Annie Viglielmo took us on a 6 months voyage (10 exactly !!) around the world rock scene ! A lot of work for this woman with a passion for music. A professional show and a perfect sound, the web spirit from those who know how to give”.
Thanks to Dave Hawkes for this link to Mark Lanegan : have a look on the video “Sideways in reverse”: such a Saints’ ambience…arrgh !