Archive for juillet, 2007

#71 The Saints at Pig City Queensland Music Festival on stage with the original line up again for Bastille Day 2007 with Ed Kuepper’s interview and live show’s extracts

Mardi, juillet 24th, 2007
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To listen to the interview with Ed Kuepper (mp3 : 35 minutes)
click on the icon Click on the link to download the file

Chris Bailey and Caspar Wijnberg, Ivor Hay and the horn section, The original Saints with Caspar, Ed Kuepper and Chris Bailey…the both school friends together on stage again (pic Judi Dransfield Kuepper).

The Original Saints played their unique reunion show at the Pig City Queensland Music festival for Bastille Day after a 30 years separation and Meltingpod emotionally was with them in Australia !!
The Saints founders Chris Bailey (vocals), Ed Kuepper (guitar) and Ivor Hay (drums) added to their original line-up Caspar Wijnberg The current Saints‘ bass guitarist and a three piece horn section to give a concert like everybody would have dreamed it after their third and ultime last album Prehistoric Sound in 78…
I was in contact with Ed Kuepper for two months and I lived virtually the preparation of the show; he knew as I was disappointed not to be there like a lot of fans too so he sent me two files recorded during the live show with the agreement to play some short extracts : a DVD could be released around the end of the year and he made me the pleasure to give me a spontaneous interview a few days after the show !!
I hope you will appreciate this delicate atention.

Meltingpod Connections (Update August 2 sd)
More infos in French on about this podcast with Ed Kuepper and the Saints and a cool review on Sincever a French music webmagazine : Thanks a lot for your support Ben !

19/07/07 My Bastille Day with Rose Tattoo at Hamburg-Germany during the Harley Days 2007

Jeudi, juillet 19th, 2007

(click on the pics to enlarge them !)

Hommage to my old companion and digital camera Nikon which died on stage with elegance at the last song “We can’t be beaten”…July 14th :
Rose Tattoo live at the Harley Days; Am Reeperbahn, my Nikon’s last pic, the place where my minidisc chose to die (the most luxuous ballroom of Hamburg !!) a few hours earlier the same day…a bloody Bastille Day !

12/07/07 Meltingpod connected the Saints’ family rehearsing for the Pig City Brisbane show July 14th 2007 !!

Jeudi, juillet 12th, 2007


Jude Kuepper sent me these photos (ph. Karl Kuepper) from the original Saints : Chris Bailey, Ed Kuepper and Ivor Hay rehearsing right now at Brisbane for their reunion show July 14th !!!! Caspar Wijnberg (current Saints) is playing bass with them ! Thanks Jude to share these moments with us!

#70 Rose Tattoo European Tour 2007 : Live interview with the singer Angry Anderson - Part 3 New and old culturs, aborigines around the world

Jeudi, juillet 12th, 2007

To listen to the interview with Angry Anderson Part 3 (mp3 : 35 minutes)
click on the icon Click on the link to download the file

Kingy and me (photo Mick Cocks), Daï and Angry at Lyon, fan’s tattoo !!

Pictures sent to me by the Tatts fans : Thank you !!
Mick (sent by Eli_Ann, Hamburg), Dave (on the right) with Pete Wells (sent by Dave, Newcastle-Australia), Mick (sent by Stefan, Germany)

Angry Anderson, Rose Tattoo’s singer with me backstages at Lyon-France during their last European tour : in this third part of the interview Angry answers to my question about the aboriginal people’s issues in the Australian white and modern society; quickly the conversation turns into an universal philosophical exchange of point of views : it was passionating for me, I hope you will like it !!
I played extracts of “Nothing to lose” and “Once in a lifetime” from their last album Blood brothers and “Nice boys don’t play rock and roll ” Live at at Wacken festival in Germany extracted from a great video you can watch on the Tatts’website.

9/07/07 The original Saints are preparing their Bastille Day Show 2007 at Brisbane Australia !!

Lundi, juillet 9th, 2007

The Saints (I’m) Stranded

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The Saints with their original line-up (Caspar Wijnberg replacing Kym Bradshaw on bass) are rehearsing for their Bastille Day show at Brisbane Queensland Australia and I found on myspace this super video clip about their music with short but recent interviews from Ed Kuepper, Chris Bailey, Rob Younger (Radio Birman) and Nick Cave…YEAH ! Thanks to Great Australian Albums and Jude for the connection !!
If like me you can’t bear the cut in the middle of Erotic Neurotic, you can watch the end of the video Paddington Town Hall Live 77 part 1.

Last Minute Info from Ed : this video extract comes from “a doco due out here next month“…hey !!!

Meltingpod Connection : Wo said “PIG CITY” the first ?
I just read on Brisbane Senator Andrew Bartlett’s blog that somebody answered to me when I asked help to find a sponsorship to come to the Pig City Queensland Music Festival where the Saints are performing.
Andrew Stafford, the man wrote the book “Pig City : From the Saints to Savage Garden” answered to me June 4th !!
“Hi Annie
You would need to contact the folks at Queensland Music Festival - go to for contact details, etc. Paul Grabowsky is the artistic director and Erica Hart is also very helpful.”
It’s so cool from you Andrew but unfortunately too late !!!! damnation !!
After a few days I stopped reading that blog…I thought nobody will answer to me : Australian people are nice as I said before !

8/07/07 Buzz Bidstrup the Angels’ drummer greeting Meltingpod today from Australia !!

Dimanche, juillet 8th, 2007

Buzz Bidstrup the Angels’ drummer at a show in Australia, Gold Coast Queensland July 8 th, in fact today !!
Grant an Angels’ Tatts’ and Meltingpod’s fan took that superbe pic telling Buzz it will be for me : cool !!!! I love these Australian rockers, I hope you understand why now.

Meltingpod Connection (update July 9th) :
9 July 1946, Ronald Belford (Bon) Scott was born in the Roods Kirriemuir Scotland, 61 today…a thought to the Ultimate Fan from North of France!!