100% Made in Marseille !! Conger!Conger! and 25 Live videos and photos at La Machine à Coudre April 23th

avril 26th, 2010

Conger!Conger! and 25, both French bands from Marseille made my night last Friday at La Machine à Coudre a small venue with a BIG rock and roll heart : the musicians, the owners and the faithful public (really all ages mixed in a very nice, smiling and noisy meltingpot) have a special way to turn each night like an unforgettable memory !

Patrice DeBenedetti on the drums, Conger!Conger! the trio in fusion !

That night Conger!Conger! opened the show with a creative and rock experimental music : Patrice DeBenedettti (Tarif Réduit, Enema, dancer with one of my favorite dance companies Ex-Nihilo) on the drums and at the vocals, Pierrot Gon at the guitar and Didier Bautzmann at the bass guitar…the best for you it’s too check the short video clip I filmed during their show below !

I mixed a lot of my best moments considering I used the option”video” of my small compact camera !! So be aware the sound Live was much better !!

Then the punk band “25″ raised the temperature with their crazy and energetic trio including Lee Zeirjick at the guitar and vocals, El Vice at the bass guitar, Joss Pain on the drums (pics and video below).

The trio in action; Joss shot from the smokers lounge a very convenient place to watch the band’s performance from a different angle…:)

I couldn’t really filmed in front of the stage because of the usual pogo and I escaped behind jumping on a chair…though there I filmed with one hand, the other one was busy to quietly stop a young excited punk whose hands walked too much on my legs and tried to put my nylons down…ambience:)
The end of the clip was filmed at Baraki a nice bar to play a baby-foot’s last game on the way home : always surprising and friendly people there !!

To finish a tribute to some of the most faithful contributors to the rock scene in Marseille and who make it unique !!

Mystic Pinguin the famous rock reviewer from Concertandco LiveInMarseille and Miss Joelle who books rock shows with SurfinCow, J2P the irreplaceable DJ at the beers, The famous Machine’s rock star and the public!! I couldn’t shot Claire the beautiful owner too busy to welcome the people at the door and a lot of other interesting people obvioulsy!

Meltingpod Connections :
Thank to The Mystic Puinguin who wrote an enthusiastic review about that show in French illustrated with my pics and videos…a good work in team : check it on LiveInMarseille!!

Podcast 105 Chris Bailey and Ed Kuepper touring Australia in duo in May 2010 and Prince Melon Records new bootlegs and website : Interview with Ed Kuepper Part 1

avril 10th, 2010
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In this new interview with Ed Kuepper recorded in April 2010 he announces us some great news I was expecting for years : first of all he will start again a new artistic collaboration with his friend and long time partner in music (both formed The Saints) : Chris Bailey !! They are touring Australia in duo in May with performing 9 shows in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne (precise dates below) to develop their experience as a residency style ! Maybe they will record a new album together with some incredible great new songs and will tour Europe after that ? it’s my best wish !!

Ed Kuepper with Laughing Clowns in Melbourne in 2009 (Pic Mende Joveski); the poster for the duo tour in May made by Judi Kuepper!!).

The second thing is that Ed at last decided to open a new website at www.princemelonrecords.com for his own label Prince Melon Records and sell the boodlegs he produced himself for a very attractive cheap prices (2 big beers in Australia, 4 small ones in France!!!) just to avoid you to waste your time with releasing in bad conditons your own bootlegs…:)
Check it and you will find 3 new live recordings N°4, 5 and 8 with Honey Steel’s Gold live in Melbourne at The Forum in 2009, some duos, solos and trios recorded in Australia between 2000 and 2008 and Laughing Clowns Live in Sydney at The Basement in 2009 !
Two DVD are expecting in the next days with Ed Kuepper and his solo band The Kowalski Collective performing Honey Steel’s Gold in Brisbane at Tivoli in 2008 and Laughing Clowns performing their first reunion show in 2009 in Brisbane at GoMa !! All in limited edition so hurry up !

Prince Melon Records bootlegs N°4 and 5 (covers made by Judi Kuepper).

You will find as well a few Jean-Lee and The Yellow Dog, Ed Kuepper’s last solo album and Cruel but Fair with all songs from Laughing Clowns ! You can subscribe to his blog to be informed for more !! Welcome to Ed among the bloggers’ wonderful world !!

I illustrated this interview Part 1 with playing “Too Many Clues” Live in Brisbane, unreleased but offered by Ed when he launched his label on myspace, then all the songs are coming from The Prince Melon Bootleg Series N°4 and 5 “Baby Well I, Electrical Storm, The Way I Made You Feel, Friday’s Blue Cheer and King of Vice”.

Here the dates of the duo tour in May with Chris and Ed (don’t miss them if you’re lucky enough to live in Aystralia !!) :
12 mai 2010 20:00 The Vanguard Sydney, New South Wales
13 mai 2010 20:00 The Troubadour Brisbane, Queensland
16 mai 2010 20:00 Bennetts Lane Melbourne, Victoria
19 mai 2010 20:00 The Vanguard Sydney, New South Wales
20 mai 2010 20:00 The Troubadour Brisbane, Queensland
23 mai 2010 20:00 Bennetts Lane Melbourne, Victoria
26 mai 2010 20:00 The Vanguard Sydney, New South Wales
27 mai 2010 20:00 The Troubadour Brisbane, Queensland
30 mai 2010 20:00 Bennetts Lane Melbourne, Victoria

Podcast 104 Live interview with Mick Harvey in Paris 2010 : a relaxed talk about the music from The Birthday Party through the New Wave to Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds …Part 3 (30′)

mars 8th, 2010
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In this third and last part of the interview Mick Harvey talked with me very relaxed about the kind of music he likes and played with The Birthday Party and Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds…

The Birthday Party Live with Mick Harvey, Nick Cave, Rowland S Howard; Mick Harvey in Paris 2010 posing for me and joking

…mentioning a lot of musicians who impressed him a lot at 14 like Lou Reed, The Velvet Underground, David Bowie, Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop and The Stooges…the friends/bands in Australia who had and still have like him with The Birthday Party and The Bad Seeds the same quest to create their own sound : Go-Betweens, Laughing Clowns, Ed Kuepper…with a large and wild walk around the New Wave and the freedom of expression…Hoping you will like it !
I illustrated the interview with many music excerpts from The Birthday Party : Release the Bats, Sonny’s burning, Fears of Gun, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds : From Her to Eternity, All Tomorrow Parties, The Mercy Seat, Deanna, Midnight Man (live recorded from a video on youtube with Ed Kuepper in 2009), in the background David Bowie and Iggy Pop and The Stooges, at the end Pop Crimes (from Rowland S Howard’s last album with Mick Harvey on the drums).

The Birthday Party : Mick Harvey, Nick Cave, Tracey Pew and Rowland S Howard in the 80’s…the fine team !

By the way 5 years ago March 8th 2005 I published my first podcast !!!
5 YEARS !!! Happy Birthday Meltingpod !!

Meltingpod Connections :
Thank to all of you who appreciated these 3 podcasts with Mick Harvey and wrote it on Nick Cave Fixes and on Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds Forum.

Podcast 103 Live interview with Mick Harvey in Paris 2010 : some reasons to have left the band Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds…Part 2 (25′)

mars 2nd, 2010
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In this second part of the interview Mick Harvey explained us some of the strongest reasons he had to leave the band Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds after having formed it with Nick in 1983. It’s always hard to hear the break of such a long time collaboration (35 years with Nick) and I was not prepared to hear it but Mick’s talk is sincere, entire and without compromise : I hope you will appreciate it.

Mick Harvey with The Bad Seeds during their European tour 2008 (Thomas, Conway and Marty in the background; pic Zruda); Mick in Paris before the interview.

I chose just one song from Mick’s band “The Wallbangers” to start and finish the podcast : “The World keeps spinning around” because I didn’t want to interrupt his intense 15 minutes talk.
But Mick will give us a nice present with playing Live at the end of the interview an unreleased version of PJ Harvey’s song : “Glorius”!!! Thanks again Mick !!

Meltingpod connections :
For info there are some comments posted about that interview by fans of the band on Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds forum.
Oh ! I just found someone who translated part of Mick’s talk in a text and spread my podcasts too, here on a website called Nick Cave fixes”!! with other reactions to the interview.

March 1st 2010 : 5th Anniversary for the blog Meltingpod !!

mars 1st, 2010

I never could imagine March 1st 2005 with launching this blog for publishing my podcasts I will keep it alive during 5 years long…so many moments of true happiness meeting more and more interesting and passionating musicians but so many moments of despair and frustration working hard for free and doing a lot of sacrifices in my private life…many times I thought it will be my last interview or I will find a way to record and edit it faster but until now I never couldn’t change anything to my way of work…so what to say except Happy Birthday to Meltingpod !!! like if it would refer to another entity independant from me but stuck to me…:)

done from the background of a 30 years old poster announcing a show with Laughing Clowns, Birthday Party and Go-Beetweens (thanks to Laughing Clowns site).

By the way a new Live album from Laughing Clowns recorded at The Basement in Sydney last year is available on the PRINCE MELON RECORDS NEW WEBSITE !!! (launched like me March 1st !! Congratulations !!) : you can order it with closed eyes, it’s simply wonderful and the quality is perfect…believe me !! The N°4, 5, and 6 should be released this month…stay connected !

Podcast 102 Live interview with Mick Harvey in Paris February 2010 : New Projects and more…Part 1 (30′)

février 24th, 2010
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Mick Harvey was in Paris the first week of February 2010 and proposed to me a Live meeting there to record the long interview I was planning with him just through a long distance phone call between Melbourne-Australia (where Mick lives) and Marseille : I obviously found it was a better idea !!

Mick Harvey in Paris 2010; Mick at the Primavera Sound 06 (pic Niccaela)

Mick Harvey was Nick Cave’s long time friend and partner in music, they met at school in the early 70’s and founded their first band The Boys Next Door then called The Birthday Party; after breaking that band Nick Cave asked Mick Harvey in 83 to form a new band called : Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds. As you maybe know, Mick Harvey left that band last year for some reasons he will explain later. I will publish that interview in 3 parts.
In this first part we talked about Mick Harvey’s projects for 2010, his next solo albums, his work doing music for films (alone of with different bands), producing the music of other artists he plays with (like PJ Harvey), covering songs from French musicians like Mano Negra and Serge Gainsbourg.

Mick playing drums with Rowland S Howard at ATP 2009 (pic Notaphoto); Mick Harvey with Nick cave and the Bad Seeds in 2008 (pic Zruda).

I illustrated that interview with some short excerpts of his music :
I started with “Come on Spring” a cover song from Dave Faulkner, Frew, McCarthy and Kim Salmon (in Mick’s solo album “One Man’s Treasure), then “The Carny” and “From Her to Eternity” (with Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds for Wim Wenders‘ film : Wings of Desire) “The Adversary” (with Crime and City Solution for Wim Wenders’ film : Until the end of the world) and End Titles (Mick’s solo project for the film Vaterland), a Live version of “Dress” from PJ Harvey where he accompagned her at the bass with Rob Ellis on the drums, “Out of Time Man” from Mano Negra (in Mick’s solo album : Two of Diamonds), “The Ballad of Melody Nelson” and “Requiem” from Serge Gainsbourg (in one of Mick’s both tribute albums to Gainsbourg : Pink Elephants; for info the other one is called “Intoxicated Man”). I added a personal tribute to Rowland S Howard” (Mick’s great friend and partner in music who died last December) with playing a short excerpt of my favorite song “Marry Me (Lie! Lie!)” from one of his bands These Immortal Souls.
I hope you will appreciate that new podcast !!
The second part is coming soon !

Laughing Clowns Live shows with Dirty Three in January 2010 and with The Birthday Party in November 1980 : a nice family story !!

janvier 18th, 2010

Laughing Clowns are performing the next days of January 2010 in Australia (21/22th Melbourne, 25th Brisbane, 26th Sydney) with Dirty Three but in the waiting to get some live pics I would like to share with you today a friendly message I got a few weeks ago from an Australian journalist : Adrian Cunningham, who was at a show at The Paris Theatre in Sydney in November 1980 with Laughing Clowns sharing the bill with The Birthday Party (later Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds) and Go-Betweens !!!
Adrian sent me a few live pics he took during that show as well as a very interesting report about that creative family of Australian musicians : an obvious interesting report when you will read such a sentence in his text : “the Clowns were my favourites – and before them the Saints, so Ed is number one living national treasure”…!!!
I invited you (with his agreement) to read now his whole message to me :

“Hi Annie, Your enthusiasm is truly infectious. Yes, the photos (while pretty bad from a technical quality point of view) are pretty interesting historically. The Paris Theatre concert in Sydney is now legendary and I am pretty sure that there was no one else there with a camera that night. Sadly, these four photos are the only ones I took.

Ed Kuepper - Laughing Clowns; Nick Cave and Tracey Pew (now deceased) – Birthday Party; Ben Wallace-Crabbe (bass – now deceased) and Jeffrey (drums – sporting a very fetching pencil moustache!) – Laughing Clowns; Rowland S Howard (deceased December 30th 2009) and Nick Cave – Birthday Party - Paris Theater November 1980

That concert at The Paris Theatre was the best gig I ever saw and was the Clowns’ last gig as a ‘big band’ with Bob, Dan, Ben and Peter Doyle on trumpet. They were playing with the Birthday Party (their first gig back in Sydney after moving to England) and the Go-Betweens (their first gig in Sydney after moving down from Brisbane). The Go-Betweens were nervous as all get out - I recall Lindy Morrison looking like she wanted to hide behind the curtains at the back of the stage. The Theatre was only half full - unbelievable for such a lineup - I had got there hours early to ensure my ticket and had crept in through the stage door to listen to the soundchecks without anyone noticing. The Birthday Party and the Clowns really respected each other and wanted to impress each other, so both bands soared into the stratoshpere that night… Read the rest of this entry »

Podcast 101 : Happy New Year 2010 with Chris Bailey from The Saints : Interview part 2 !!

janvier 8th, 2010
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In this first podcast of 2010, the interview with Chris Bailey from The Saints Part 2 with still more rock and roll and some lovely noises. We keep talking about Chris’ music, life and projects for the new year with a few recordings ready to be released eventually under his own new label who knows ?

The Saints with Chris Bailey, Peter Wilkinson and Caspar Wijnberg in 2005 in France near Lyon at the festival Oulala

I started with a surprising and nice version from Nights in Venice proposed in one of Chris’ last albums “Bone Box”, then I played two melancholic songs “Bridges” (written in Berlin in 89 after the fall of the wall) and “Photograph” (from one of his solo albums “Encore” in 1995) which were in harmony with my current sadness after having learnt my friend Mick Cocks’ (Rose Tattoo) death the last days of December; the day of Mick’s funerals December 30th, another great and talentuous Australian musician passed away due to the same sickness (a bad liver cancer) : Rowland S Howard (The Young Charlatans with Jeffrey Wegener) The Boys Next Door, The Birthday Party, (with Nick Cave and Mick Harvey), These Immortal Souls (with Genevieve McGuckin, his partner in the life too) and a lot of other bands : it was pretty hard to want and sound happy, I’m sorry, I stayed true…and I will try to do something special for them later; now it’s too hard for me.
But don’t worry, I used some energetic Saints’ songs like “Je Fuckin’ T’aime” (Imperious Delirium 2006) “Erotic Neurotic” (Live at Paddingtown Hall in 77), and our mutual Swedish friend Lars Wallin’s performance on the didgeridoo to keep the spirits high; I finished with “Just Like Fire Would” : a beautiful melody with dark lyrics though…
A luck Chris’ talk was as funny as usual and I’m sure you will appreciate his Irish humor one more time !! : I wish you an Happy New Year with still more Love, Friendship and good Rock and Roll !

Chris’ Godess cat on his computer : Try to send her some e-mails…:)

By The Way : if you live in Australia, don’t forget Ed Kuepper’s next tour with The Laughing Clowns from Januray 21th to 26th in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney, sharing the bill with Warren Ellis and his Dirty Three!!

Mick Cocks (Rose Tattoo, Heaven, Doomfoxx) : one of my favorite Aussie rockers has gone…

décembre 23rd, 2009

Mick was very sick for months and the death brought him away, yesterday December 22th…hard hard news for his family, friends and fans and me !
Our first meeting in Lyon France for an interview during The Tatts’ European tour in April 2007 will stay one of my best memories : From the first second, everything was so easy, spontaneous, funny like between very long time friends…a strange and rare feeling I will never forget…

Here some nice pics from Mick playing with Doomfoxx in 2006 in Germany; I took so many pics from Mick with Rose Tattoo myself, I couldn’t choose among them today…I’m too sad…A little later, I will try to build something special for him, Mick : one of my favorite Aussie rockers and I don’t have a lot of favorites…but believe it or not I know he is still around, closer than we can imagine, free, laughing and joking, asking us to keep the nose high…:) and to say MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL !!

Mick Cocks signing autographs before the show with Rose Tattoo in Hamburg Germany 2007 (pic : thank to Eli_Ann)

Podcast 100 Interview with Chris Bailey from The Saints : Projects 2010 Part 1 !!

décembre 15th, 2009
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For my podcast N°100 I chose to call my very first guest on Meltingod Chris Bailey from The Saints !!
He played for me his favorite song on the phone and shared with us his ideas and projects for 2010, alone or with different people, with The Saints and who knows : maybe with his first music partner Ed Kuepper ?

Chris Bailey and Ed Kuepper with The Saints at ATP in Australia in January 2009 (pics : Richard Sharman and Carbie Warbie)

I illustrated the interview with some nice songs from The Saints at different periods : two fabulous Live versions of Nights in Venice and The Chameleon recorded with the original line up (Ed, Ivor with Caspar and a horn section) at Pig City in 2007 (a live album is released !!), Simple Love (in 81 with Barrington Francis at the guitar, Janine Hall at the bass, Mark Birmingham on the drums) Demolition girl (Live at Paddingtown Hall in 77) I’m misunderstood (The International Robot sessions in 77).
Stay in touch for more in the part 2 on line soon !

Podcast 99 Punk Celebration from the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 to the awakening of Cambodia in 2009 : Live interviews and music

novembre 12th, 2009
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Each November 9th since 1989 I remember the fall of the Berlin wall because this town is a kind of second hometown for me and I watch  at the TV with some tears in the eyes the old movies which show all these people and families who at last reunited each other.

The poster of a painting from the Wall hung on my wall for years…

This year a lot of politicians from Europe celebrated the 20th anniversary with a huge party in front of the Brandeburger Tor. I was not very convinced with their performance thinking to the financial crisis, to all other walls which still exist around the world and to all the people who still live oppressed by dictators in the complete indifference.

Meeting with an angel in Berlin…

my friends from East Berlin who found their ex-national flag thrown in the rubbish after the fall of the wall…

So I chose through that podcast to do a kind of punk personal celebration in two parts : first with mixing some old live ambience recordings I did in “my” Berlin these last years (during the Walpurgis Night in Friedrichshain streets with the band ACK, with Markus in his car, at Wild at Heart a punk club in Kreuzberg) , a few German songs I love (from the band Noah : “Help your police, Hit yourself” and from John F. un die Gropiuslerchen : “Berlin Berlin”) and a recent interview I recorded with Ralf who shares with us his night in Berlin November 9 th when he heard the Wall was opened !!

The Wall’s opening from East Berlin side : still some hesitations…

“Berlin Berlin !! dein Herz hat kein Mauer” (Berlin your heart has no wall)
from John F. und die Gropiuslerchen ( a lot of archives’ pics in that clip)

In a second part I propose to leave Berlin for a country which is waking up from a very hard nightmare too : Cambodia where the dictactors Kmher Rouge completly destroyed the culture and erected a kind of mental wall which isolated the people until they lost the memory of their own names.
I recorded a few days ago an interview with a long time friend of mine Bob Passion who lives and works there now with streets kids in the context of a project called Bhor Cambodia.

The kids who learn and do art performances with Bob in Cambodia

Bob brought me the last album “Peur de Rien” (Fear of Nothing) he recorded there with his new local band “Kanlat Rik Rié” : I played excerpts from “Chez Mike, Maconiero, Pas Là, Là”. Punk is not dead in Cambodia with Bob !!

Bob’s band Kanlat Rik Rié Live on stage

and all your welcomed donations will go to his project for kids “Bhor Cambodia”.

The Clash’s guitarist Mick Jones, Rachid Taha and Rodolphe Burger with Mix Up Berouth at Marsatac 2009 festival’s overture in Marseille : Live photos and videos clips !!

septembre 30th, 2009

Mick Jones the famous Clash’s guitarist and the French-Algerian musician Rachid Taha rocked together the Casbah in Marseille for Marsatac 2009 !!

Rodolphe Burger and 8 French and Libanese musicians opened that unforgettable night with finalizing very properly and creatively (in despite very few days of rehearsals together) their musical project Mix Up Beyrouth (part 1 with interview in July at the festival de Marseille). The incredible good spirits between this relatively big young band made the alchemy around Rodolphe who was a very discrete but efficient artistic director.

Left to right (at the soundcheck) : Frederic (guitar, slam), Fady (multi-instrumentalist), Abed (buzuk), Youmna (guitar, voclas) Arnaud (drums), Rodolphe (guitar, vocals), Julien (bass), Rayess (rap; testing the sound in the venue) and Ziad (keyboards).
Live : Fady Abed Arnaud Youmna; Youmna Rodolphe Rayess Ziad.

Then it was the time for Rachid Taha to increase progressively the excitation in the crowd with a lot of guests and friends sharing the stage with his band, playing his repertoire but giving a deserved big place to Mick Jones, The Clash’s guitarist who looked like to have had a great great fun with us in Marseille, smiling and laughing the whole night ! As Rachid said : “It’s Christmas tonight…it’s madness !!”


Mick Jones started “Should I stay or Should I go” directly in front of me and it would be a crime not to try to film and capture that song despite my small compact camera’s weak abilities for this kind of act. So here you go :

Then, the wet atmosphere coming from the dancing crowd invaded the stage with a kind of fog which made heroic to take same good pics in front of the lightshow; it was a shame because Rodolphe Burger joined the team on the stage to add some electric guitar’s riffs between Mick Jones and his friend Hakim Hammouche (at the mandoluth in Rachid Taha), but here some family’s pics just for the fun and to see all these smiles on their faces : shared happiness ! Thanks to Marsatac !!



At last to conclude this report and give you as close as possible an idea of the Live ambience, a mix with a few short videos clips : Enjoy !!