4/05/07 Last night Meltingpod connected the Angels on the Gold Coast-Queensland !!
Last night, just before midnight still May 3rd I got a nice gift directly sent from Australia by one of my Meltingpod faithful listener and friend Grant (HI-NRG Studios and Discos) met on my Myspace /Meltingpod page ! Grant lives in one of the most beautiful place in Australia called the Gold Coast in Queensland and May 3rd he was lucky enough to see The Angels LIVE at Nerang !!! He took some pics with the boys specially for me, have a look :
“Devil Darrel” (Blue Tongue Management) and Buzz Bidstrup on stage !

Meltingpod Connections :
If you want excitations with politics, go to MELTINGTALKS : I couldn’t resist to post a review before the French Presidential Elections next Sunday !!