3/09/05 Obsessive me ?

Oh ! I only want to know who was Oscar Wilde really in details (complete works, bios, letters, lawsuit’s stories) : la rentrée littéraire de Meltingpod !
One of the most amazing book until now is “Teleny” : Oscar is only supposed to be the author of this “true” story : if he wrote that book in the context of England at that time he couldn’t sign it without signing his death sentence. I found this book in a public library in Marseille discreetly listed under “Physiological study” ! Even read in a French translation I heard Oscar’s voice in my head (or maybe an other man ?) telling a part of his life. I found a German fan on the web who wrote about this book : “Die schönste Liebesgeschichte der Welt” (la plus belle histoire d’amour du monde); a French fan wrote : better than the poppers ! …I encourage you to read it and give your opinion !

Left pile is already read, right pile is in working…I fear to have been too “gourmande” !
To stay a very short moment with the intellectuals (don’t worry), I answered to a request of France Culture, one of the most important and famous public French radio, who recorded last Thursday a live show in Marseille’s center about…city planning.
I was not invited as city planner but as DJ to propose for free a choice of songs I already played in my meltingpod podcast to integrate into their show !! Surprise or not a few days later they didn’t spread anything of my music in their show “Travaux Publics” : my rock and roll was censured without a word of explanation : not cool !

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