3/02/06 Melting-Australia !
Last week I met in Cannes Shane Chisholm from Melbourne-Australia one of my first Meltingpod listener : he supported me for a year, commented almost every shows…we never saw each other before…I met him virtually in Automn 2004 on the Rock and Roll geek Show’s message board: we supported both at that time this podcast very seriously ! Now Shane is the co-producer of Michael Butler’s podcast. At Nice airport, Shane tried to take the control of MY show and did an interview of me…!! We spoke about Rock and roll, Australian bands, memory about kangoroo, the music industry and the future of podcasting in the world…I play the Angels with “No Exit, Can’t shake it and Marseilles” recorded live in Melbourne in April 1980…a rarity I got for Christmas from my Angels French Connection !
PS : Shane is sending me the podcast title right now from Oslo-Norway !
Click on the icon to listen to the podcast
Rick, Buzz and Doc from the Angels (pics Angels French Connection)
Meltingpod Connection : I’m very proud to see one of the nicest photo I took last summer live on stage at Oulala festival chosen as profile to their myspace website by…Nashville Pussy !! yeah !