14/09/05 The royal sweepers of the luxury desert
Podcast N°20 ! Meltingpod invites you to jump in the Orient Express to an unknown destination talking with Chalmi (Michel Augier) about his band from Marseille “les Balayeurs du desert” and about his musical creation with Royal de Luxe, one of the most famoust street theater company in France and in the world. He gave in world premiere to Meltingpod some of the new songs of his last album (the fifth) : “Jules Verne Impact” which contains a part of Royal de Luxe last show (la visite du sultan des Indes sur son éléphant à voyager dans le temps) music and a part of the own concert the band is playing after the street theater show. In a few days you could buy this album on internet.
The desert sweepers playing at Balthazar in Marseille.
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Meltingpod connections :
Simple Jok loves Meltingpod and he says it on his blog !
Meltingpod joined an association of rock and roll podcasters : Ass of Rock !
For the pleasure to share my pleasure with you : Lars Wallin:. “Tiwi Warrior” Luxemburg -05 : a real and nice Meltingpod music sent from Sweden by Lars Wallin, an Australia and Saints fan, who saw the Angels in Brisbane in 1989, and is a musician who likes rock and plays didgeridoo !
Audioblog still loves Meltingpod and continues freely to spread some of my podcasts. And a new fan (?) Critical World Blog supports Meltingpod now. Thanks to everybody !