Today March 1st 2011 my blog Meltingpod is 6 years old !!
Yes !! Each time I’m the first surprised : one year more and still alive despite the difficulties of the life and some periodic moments of doubts. I have to admit there is a long time I didn’t post anything here but a big part of my blogging acitivity happened on my facebook page these last times : by the way you can join me here at if you want. On another hand I lost a big part of the pleasure I had to run my other blog on myspace at since their commercial team decided to make more money with the advertizing and updated so badly their datas and design that they completly killed their tool which was at the beginning a fantastic idea to promote the music. Though I try to resist there hoping they will realize one day their mistake…
In fact to be honest my favorite place is here, I feel home, I hope you too my faithful friends…so Happy 6th Birthday to Meltingpod, wishing to share with you still more exciting news in the next future !!!
PS : My podcast Meltingpod will be 6 years old March 8th so stay connected, you could have a nice surprise very soon..:)